Statutes for Stikado
Stikado's statutes were first adopted at the founding meeting on the 21st of January 2022. The last time they were amended was at the extraordinary general assembly that took place on the 16th of February 2022.
§ 1 The organization's name, organizational form and purpose
The organization's name is Stikado.
Stikado is a non-profit membership organization. Stikado is independent from any religious or political affiliations.
The organization is an independent legal entity with members, and is self-owned. The fact that it is self-owned means that no one, neither members nor others, is entitled to the organization's assets or property, or is responsible for its debts or other obligations.
The overarching goal of Stikado is to work for a world where human rights are defining for how individuals live their lives and how they build communities and societies around themselves.
We see human rights as the backbone of our societies. We want societies where human rights are accepted, embraced and defended rather than exposed to negotiations and compromises.
Stikado wants to achieve its goals through national and international development cooperation, as well as human rights and peace work.
Stikado will develop its own projects and initiatives and at the same time work to support individuals, companies, organizations and public institutions.
§ 2 Membership
Anyone who sympathizes with Stikado's ideas and purposes can become a member of the organization.
Membership in Stikado is free.
Stikado has two membership categories, basic membership and main membership. Basic membership is obtained by registering in the organization. Basic members do not have organizational rights. Main members have full membership rights in the organization, including the right to attend, the right to speak and the right to vote at the general assembly. The main membership category is self-recruiting through the general assembly. Admission into the main membership category requires a 2/3 majority of the general assembly.
A member of Stikado who neglects his duties, acts contrary to Stikado's purpose or central documents, blocks or makes difficult Stikado's work, acts unethically or in any other way damages Stikado's reputation, may be given a warning, dismissed and/ or expelled from the organization. Harassment and abuse are also grounds for warning and/ or exclusion. Decisions on warnings, dismissals and expulsions may be made by the board unanimously or by a simple majority at the general assembly.
The organization's board may lay down further provisions on membership.
§ 3 The general assembly
The general assembly is the organization's highest authority.
The general assembly is held every year before the end of April, unless there is an extraordinary situation that necessitates the holding of the general assembly at another time.
The general assembly is convened by the board with at least fourteen days' notice directly to members who are entitled to attend. Proposals to be considered at the general assembly must be sent to the board no later than seven days before the general assembly. A complete agenda must be available to members no later than two days before the general assembly.
The general assembly may not consider proposals that are not on the agenda, unless 1/2 of those present so require.
The chairperson of the general assembly is elected by the general assembly on the recommendation of the board.
Unless otherwise stated in the statutes, a decision shall, in order to be valid, be taken with a simple majority of the votes.
In the event of a tie in personal elections, a re-election is carried out. In the event of a continued tie, the election will be decided by drawing lots.
In the event of a tie in other matters, the chairperson of the meeting has a double vote.
The chairperson ensures that minutes of the general assembly are kept. The minutes shall be signed by two members elected by the general assembly.
The following matters shall be considered at the general assembly:
A) Adopt the rules of procedure for the general assembly.
B) The board's annual report for the previous calendar year (including financial report).
C) Any amendments to the statutes.
D) Adopt any resolutions.
E) Process any received proposals.
F) Elect board members, including chairperson and deputy chairperson.
G) Select an auditor, if necessary.
Extraordinary general assemblies are held when the board so decides, or at least 1/3 of the main members so require. Notice is given in the same way as for ordinary general assemblies, with at least seven days' notice. An extraordinary general assembly can only consider and make a decision in the matters announced in the notice.
§ 4 The board
The board carries out the day-to-day management of the organization.
The organization shall have a board of up to five members. It is not necessary to be a member of the organization to be elected to the board. The board is the highest authority between the general assemblies. The board shall hold a meeting when the chairperson of the board or a majority of the board members so requests.
The board may make decisions when at least half of its members are present. Decisions are made by a majority of the votes cast. In the event of a tie, the chairperson of the board has a double vote.
The board must:
A) Implement the decisions of the general assembly.
B) Adopt the organization's action program and budgets.
C) Appoint any committees, commissions or persons who are to perform special tasks, and prepare instructions for these.
D) Administer and maintain necessary control of the organization's finances in accordance with applicable instructions and regulations.
E) Represent the organization externally.
§ 5 Signature right
The chairperson and deputy chairperson of the board have the right to sign on behalf of the organization separately. In addition, the members of the board have the right to sign jointly.
§ 6 Amendments to the statutes
Amendments to the statutes can only be made at an ordinary or extraordinary general assembly, and a 2/3 majority of the votes cast is required.
§ 7 Language
Stikado's working language shall, as far as is practically possible, be in English.
Stikado shall, as far as practicable and appropriate, be inclusive towards international members by offering information in English.
Regarding the statutes, the Norwegian version shall be considered authoritative if there are any discrepancies in the translation.
§ 8 Dissolution
Dissolution of the organization can only be considered at the general assembly, and requires a 3/4 majority.
The organization's assets shall, after dissolution and debt settlement, be donated to the purpose the organization is working to promote, in that the net assets are given to a non-profit organization chosen by the general assembly. No members are entitled to the organization's funds or any share of these.
You can download signed copies of the statutes here in Norwegian (authoritative) and English (translation).